After looking at the ascii art I realized how complex this type of art is.  It basically takes little pictures and puts them together to form a bigger picture.  There are so many different styles of art out there and I think this is one of the coolest ones.  Just by looking at a picture you can tell it takes a lot of attention to detail to get the placement right. 

I clicked on the airplanes- airplanes- aircraft section and there are a lot of different types formed into pictures.  There is a really cool picture of an A-10 Thunderbolt II that looks exactly like a real one.  The whole picture is made out of the symbols: [ ] ( ) _ - / \ | ^ * $ : o.  I must have taken a lot of thought to get each symbol in the correct spot to make an exact replica of this type of plane. 

I googled ASCII art and one picture that showed up that intrigued me was a picture of Jennifer Aniston.  From zoomed out it just looks like a plain self portrait of her that is done in black and white.  After I zoomed in I could see that it was tiny numbers and letters put together to look exactly like her.  The spacing between each symbol is perfect and the picture could not look more like her. 


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