Electronics- Kindle 21 century invention

Emily Proffitt
Electronics Assignment
October 16, 2017

In 2007, the world was changed when Amazon released their first ever e-reader, the Kindle.  The Kindle has largely impacted society by being able to carry hundreds of books, magazines, and newspapers in just one tiny device that is equivalent to one printed book.  Ever since the kindle was released ebook sales have skyrocketed while actual paper book sales are decreasing.  The kindle was sold out within the first six hours it went on the market, and while it faces some competitors out there, such as the Nook or the Apple iPad, it remains the most popular.  
According to the Association of American Publishers, e-books consisted of 6.4 percent of the total books being sold.  However, in 2011 e-books popularity increased and represented one fifth of all total books being sold.  As a result, all physical books sales dropped twenty percent, making e-book sales rise to 117 percent.  One reason that the kindle is the most popular type of e-book is because Amazon sells the Kindle for a cheap price and makes all their sales on charging people for the content that is inside.  Its top competitors, Apple, sells their product for more expensive but makes the content cheaper.  (“The Impact”)
Before the Kindle was invented, everything was a printed copy, including books, magazines, newspapers, articles, etc.  One thing that influenced the invention of e-books was how much paper books were affecting society.  It was causing many trees to be cut down and they were filling up the landfills.  I think that these negative affects were a main influence on the invention.  In the future, I believe that more books will become online and eventually, books will stop being printed in paper form all together.  

“The Impact of the Kindle & IPad on the Book Publishing Business.” Chron.com,



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