Raul Cuero's interview

Raul Cuero's interview on creativity was filled with so much interesting information.  In the beginning he talks about how both his parents could not read or write but he promised himself he would never be like that so he focused extra hard in school to be the person he wanted.  When he went to Colombia for school he experienced discrimination for the first time and people would make him think that he had no value off the basketball court.  He turned his negativity into something positive and furthered his education so he could prove himself to people.  

He now has nine scientific inventions to his name and is very successful.
I think that is all people were like him more people would be successful and happy.  This is be applied to everyone by focusing on your dream and not letting people stop you on your way there.

One thing that Raul Cuero said is that "good things take time" and "everything is a process".  I 100% agree with this because nothing can come overnight.  In order to get what you want out of like you need to work for it.  Even if something is handed to you, it won't feel as good if you were to work hard for it.  He is a perfect example of this because of how hard he work to be successful in life.


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